Saturday, March 13, 2010

This post is me psyching myself up

Woooooooooo! Wooooooohooooooooooooo! I am so energized!

I have to be in Midtown in about an hour, and I'm extremely tired, but at the end of this post, I will be ENERGYFIED!

On the way, I plan to go to Starbucks and try the newest thing that caught my fancy - the Dark Cherry Mocha. I tried to get it a week or so ago, but they said they didn't have it yet. I am excited to try it because I think it's exactly the potion I need.

Tonight's gonna be a long one at the theatre... I start at 6:30 and will probably get to leave around 1:00 or 1:30 a.m., which will kinda be 2:00 or 2:30 a.m. given the time change. DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE YOUR CLOCKS! We're so inundated with technology that most clocks will just change for us, but in case you're confused...

I think that's about all I have to say. There's definitely more I could say, but the longer I type, the more hectic it will be trying to make it to the theatre on time, and we all know I can't sacrifice that Dark Cherry Mocha I just swooned over.



  1. HA HA HA! At first, I read it as "DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE YOUR LOCKS!" I was like "Huh. I don't get it." I'm so special. Hope your shift was the most amazing thing that ever happened to anyone!!!

  2. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. I had one of those before I went to the theatre Friday night! With an extra shot. My my, it was DELICIOUS. I hope you enjoyed yours (the shift, the time change, and the dark cherry mocha).
