Sunday, March 14, 2010

Get outta my dreams

Well, good morning. Let us all give a moment of silence to the hour of sleep we lost last night. ARGH!

Mm, so I am writing because a particular dream has me feeling a little jarred this morning. You know when there are certain things in your waking life you really don't want to think about, and then they find a way of making you think about them anyway by subconsciously inserting themselves into your dreams? Yep, that's the story of my most recent dream.

This dream was honestly just weird. I basically dreamt that I got home and a lot of familiar people were in my house. I walked into the kitchen and the refrigerator was gone and there was some significant structural damage to the walls, but no parts of the fridge anywhere. I asked someone where the refrigerator went and the person explained to me that it exploded because of something involving pressure, jargon, blah blah blah. It was just odd because, even though the fridge had vanished into thin air, we were happy to see each other and it was kind of sweet for a short minute. The end.

Somehow in this same string of dreams, a colleague had been planning things on the wrong dates because she was looking at a calendar for 2011.

And, while I'm on the topic of dreams, let me mention the one from Thursday night, I believe. I had a dream that I traded my car in to get a beat up, old, red SUV, which would not have been a smart choice because I didn't get any money in return. Then, though, I was at my parents' house and noticed that someone had parked my car literally up against (side-by-side) another car, where there would probably be no way to move the car without damaging it much more. Somehow I go do something else and come back, find that the car is gone, and my mom tells me she's sorry, but the car was totaled and they did away with it. I was crying, talking about how I couldn't get anywhere, and my mom showed no remorse. I woke up as I was bawling, trying to figure out how I would get to work and improv without a car. Weird.

So, off of dreams and onto reality...

The Dark Cherry Mocha was a good choice. I won't act like it was the best thing I've ever had a taste of or anything, but it was good and fun. It was a nice change of pace with a fun kick to it. It must have helped me get through the night because I don't recall ever thinking about how tired I was.

I started losing my voice yesterday afternoon and, by nighttime, it was practically gone. I haven't spoken yet today to see if it's still messed up, but I just said 'hello' to myself and it's definitely not at its full potential. I also lost my voice on Wednesday, so I tried to look at my dorky pollen alerts to see if there was something in common that might have triggered it. Then I saw that I didn't get one on Wednesday because the pollen level wasn't high enough, so I got confused and gave up.

OH! Yesterday I went to the gym for the first time in a week after the allergy shenanigans. I ran two miles and then walked a third, which was pretty good. I didn't know how I'd handle it with the allergies, the antibiotic making me groggy, etc. But I trucked on through!

I better shut up and get dressed because I have a friend coming over at 12:30 p.m. Then, at 5:00 p.m. I am meeting another friend to discuss health history for a study she's doing. Here I come, Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmmmm to the dream. Did you have the cherry mocha concoction before bed?!!!! That could charge up the psychie! Also maybe put some stuff IN your frig and then you won't lose it :-)
