Monday, March 29, 2010

Mama called the doctor and the doctor said

no more monkeys jumpin' on the bed.

Well, it's Monday. Wooooooooooo. It seems like the weekend was never even here - probably because I spent a good portion of it sleeping or sitting around in bed.

I didn't have a good end to my weekend. I started to get some pretty serious chest pain yesterday afternoon, and it hasn't let up much since. It's basically right below my breastbone, but it also radiates into my right lung. I'm not sure exactly what could be causing it, but it doesn't seem digestive-related because of the time it started and the fact that it's still continuing. I ended up emailing the doctor at about 4:00 a.m. because I was up off and on throughout the night. I asked the soonest that I can be seen, so hopefully I'll be hearing something earlyish today. I can't remember if/when they have clinic hours on Mondays, but I better not put it off any longer.

My ceiling got a little work done on it yesterday and it isn't looking too far from normal, which is relieving. It's nice for there to be no more hole! Now it's a matter of sanding it down and painting it lighter to match the rest of the ceiling. It looks worlds better and makes me happy. I'm a lucky little chicken.

I've been in the midst of a donation slump, but I also realize expenses are usually tight at the end of the month. Soooo, I'm hopeful that I'll see a jump this week. When I got up during one of my middle-of-the-night shenanigans, I checked my email and saw that I had gotten a donation, so that was the shining light! I'm about 27 percent to my goal right now (online). Go, Drew, go!

Well, I hope I'll be feeling good enough to make it to rehearsal tonight. I am hopeful that, as I get going for the day, the pain will just kind of fall by the wayside and I'll be able to proceed with my day. Also, I am supposed to go to the doctor two weeks from tomorrow for a routine check-up anyway, so maybe if I can get in today, we'll call it even.

Anyway, I know I haven't said much of anything uplifting lately, but hopefully I'll have great things to say once my body decides to cooperate.

Oh, and I think I am going to PUERTO RICO!

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