Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

Well, I have a dentist's appointment this morning. I am not really looking forward to it, but I'm not exactly dreading it either. The dentist is something I could take or leave and I wouldn't care much either way.

Yesterday was an interesting day. Around 2:30 p.m., I got an email from the study guy to get me up-to-speed. He basically told me that, while he doesn't think that Tuesday's shenanigans will necessarily exclude me from the study, he did talk to my doctor and she wants to 'treat' me. Mind you I never saw my regular doctor on Tuesday. The study guy told me that the doctor or physician's assistant would call me to get me started. However, that didn't happen yesterday. By the end of the day, I decided to give them a call, but did not succeed. I'm not sure if 'treating' me involves a course of antibiotics, whether those would be oral or IV, etc. I guess I shall find out today.

I was coughing kind of a lot, but it was a dry, hacky cough - the kind that results in almost losing your voice. By the end of the day, my voice was really scratchy, which is completely different from the kinds of symptoms I get when it's a CF-related problem. Anyway, I will take what the doctor says into consideration, but we don't need to get all out-of-hand here; this happens to me every year as the weather starts to change.

Despite how I was feeling, I ended up meeting a friend for dinner at Tin Drum. Let me tell you that this was a great decision. I got this sweet and sour stir-fry, and will be enjoying the leftovers for lunch. Anyway, I saw my friend Karen that I hadn't seen since 2008, and it was really nice to see her again. We talked about everything under the sun, and that's why I like about her most. We have a connection... not in a romantic way. (HA!) She told me I should really read "Eat, Pray, Love."

After we finished eating, I knew it was time for me to head home and get to bed, but I instead went to Target to get the book. I am working on being quick-to-action (not in a rash way - in a non-procrastination way). I ended up getting the book, a cute t-shirt, a black zip-up sweater type thing, and a prescription. I consider it successful.

I gotta hurry and get ready so I can go 'get my tooth' on at the dentist.


  1. Silly. I actually have an EXTRA copy of that book. Like, I have two copies. I wish you would have checked with me first!! If it's not too late to take back the other one, let me know. :-)

  2. I also wanted to say that the word I had to type to prove I'm not a robot was supedro which obviously was supposed to say "SuperDrew"!!! I hope you are feeling better soon. My allergies are still terrible. I have a very frustrating and ineffective cough that won't quit!!! Grrr. Hugs!

  3. I have the biggest smile on my face...soul mate. I may re-read it again. Tell me what you think about the book.
