Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So, this allergy thing isn't faring too well for me yet this year. I have literally limited my outside time to running to and from the car, and haven't had any luck yet. Sunday night I had to forego a theatre-related opportunity because it was taking place outside, which didn't sound like a good use of time. I ended up trying to go to bed pretty early, but had a difficult time going to sleep because laying down was making me cough more.

Yesterday I got up and went into work early, knowing that, with allergies like this, they tend to elevate as the day continues... I was in the building by 7:30 a.m. and got started on the million mass emails I need to get done this week. Supposedly there was a middle-aged man stranger roaming the building carrying a big duffle bag. It's weird because, at the time, it was only me and a lady from another department in the building. I doubt it was anything to be concerned about and I didn't see the man myself, but the cops came and what not. These are the kinds of bad things that happen when I get to work early.

I went to Willy's for lunch, hoping that eating would help rid me of some of my allergy-in-the-face pain, but it didn't quite work as planned. By about 1:30 p.m., I couldn't take it anymore and headed home to work the remainder of the day from bed. I swung by the post office to pick up a piece of certified mail from my incompetent homeowners association, telling me that my doorknobs were brass. As much as I wanted to send the nastiest email known to man, I kindly emailed the property manager and said, as you know, this issue was corrected on December 6. Please do not mail me anything else. Or I will slap you silly.

After I finished up working, I dozed off just before 5:00 p.m. for what turned into a three-hour nap. I'm not sure at which point a nap becomes sleeping, but it sure was a doozie. I got up for about an hour and a half or two and then went back to sleep. I am a sleeping machine.

Today I go for the screen for my research study. I'm not exactly sure what it will entail, but I imagine I'll do a pulmonary function test and some other random test. It's supposed to take several hours, so I took the afternoon off. I hope my allergy issues don't jack this up.


1 comment:

  1. I hate allergies!! I hope you're feeling better soon. Hugs!
