Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's gettin' hot in herrrrr

Where should I even start... I'm going to go stream-of-consciousness with this.

I am in such bad pain right now. This is by far the worst pain I've experienced since the ER on Thursday. It's partially my fault, too. I tried to wean off of the pain pills for work, but I really made a bad decision on trying to tough it out. It's so weird because my pain is an 8 on a 10-point scale, and I hadn't gotten over a 4 since Thursday. I just know it's because I didn't adhere to the pain pill schedule, but frankly I was sick of being out of it. Life goes on. I have taken four Percocets in the last eight hours. It's weird because, when I breathe in, I feel a click in my right kidney. Good or bad? No idea. But painful.

That brings me to my next point, which is that the doctor's appointment today was a complete waste of time and money. I really want to walk into a doctor's appointment and hear something I didn't already know. Telling me to drink water is kind of irrelevant at this point. The doctor told me that he only needed to hear from me if things got worse. Well, his wish came true. Congratulations. He also made it sound like there are more than two of those silly suckers in there. Whateverrrrrrrrrrr.

While I'm being depressing, let's talk about my air conditioner. When I got home from rehearsal last night, it was making a weird clicking noise, much like my kidney is right now. So, today an AC guy was supposed to come out, but he called after 3:00 p.m. to say he wasn't going to make it. Thanks for the heads up, punk. Here I am, it's mid-80s in my house, and my new roommate has seen one disaster after another. I swear I feel bad for everyone who knows me right now.

I was in an improv show tonight. Did I think this was a good decision last night? Yes. Did I think this was a good decision this afternoon? No. I definitely toughed through it, but it was hard to fake it near the end. There were probably about 90 people there, 60ish being under the age of 18. Wow. I played Sounds Like A Song, Dialects, Narration Switch, and Musical Styles. Despite the pill-popping, I had an enjoyable time. It felt good to be back on stage. Honestly, I can't even believe I played Dialects, but I guess that's the bonus of doing a show while taking medication for kidney stones.

I think I might sleep like a baby tonight... on the couch.

I just re-read this post to look for errors since I'm not all here right now. It's amazing how pitiful I sound. I know it's annoying to hear someone who is being negative all the time, but I truly need a free pass to Negativityland right now. Yowzers.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Waiting is the hardest part

Oh, kidney stone, how I hate thee.

So, this kidney stone thing is getting a little awkward. I get a text/email/call every couple hours asking me if it has passed. As people know, I'm not very shy about much, but it's just kind of a strange topic since it involves human waste and what not. Anyway, as far as my body and my strainer indicate, it is still hanging out inside of my body.

Since I've been fortunate enough to have never experienced this before, I really don't know what to expect. I mean, theoretically, it could be out in a few minutes and everything would be back to normal (excluding the fact that there's another one in my kidney that could choose to jump out whenever it wants). I'm hopeful that it will be gone today, but in my "big picture" mind, I'm already trying to strategize about tomorrow. I feel most secure at home since people aren't here to witness everything, but it's also hard not to leave the house when I'm feeling pretty good. Who knows how much of that has to do with the painkillers, though...

Today I'm supposed to go to my grandmother's for a little birthday celebration for my mom and uncle. The trickiest parts about that are: 1) I'd have to get a ride, 2) packing the strainer is awkward, and 3) I keep dozing off at a moment's notice. I haven't yet decided whether or not I'll try to truck it over there.

I didn't make it to the theatre last night. I was confident that I could be pain-free while I was there, but I'd HAVE to use the bathroom in the time I was there, which would involve bringing the strainer. AND, given that the camera person is literally in the audience, I'd need to guarantee I wasn't going to fall asleep. Thankfully the theatre folks were very understanding and encouraged me to stay home and get better. All I'm waiting on is the "get better" part.

Well, this is going to sound nutty, but I might go try to exercise. I read that activity can help it pass, so perhaps that's what I'll do. The thought of it makes me anxious.

It feels like it's time to take another narcotic, though, because I feel the dull pain returning in my lower right back. The doctor told me to take medicine at the first sign of pain because the oral painkillers only work up until a certain point before IV painkillers are needed. Maybe the exercise thing needs to be moved to the back burner for now. Sigh.

Thank you to all for being so supportive!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Weight a second

Well, today was a fine day. I really didn't experience much pain at all since I kept myself medicated all day. I only got nauseous a few times and truly only felt some minor pain in my back. That pain was nothing compared to yesterday, though.

The weirdest part of all of this is that I am gaining tons of water weight. Since the stone is just before my bladder, everything isn't flowing through quite like normal. So, I literally weigh five pounds more today than I did a full day ago. Isn't that nutty? I feel like I'm pregnant with a Gatorade baby. It will be GREAT when this is over!

The Braves won today after being swept by the White Sox in a three-game series earlier this week. I was relieved to see that!

Today my mom helped me take my car to get an estimate since I am not really up for driving with these medications. It is truly going to be pretty cheap. I've just gotta work out the details surrounding getting to and from places while the car is getting perfected. I'm relieved that this isn't going to be THAT big of a deal.

As of right now, I plan to work at the theatre tomorrow. If tomorrow is anything like today was, I should be completely fine getting out of the house for a bit to work. I'm only on camera for both shows, so that sounds like it could be easy. My biggest concern is just the drowsiness. I seem to have made vast improvements on the pain front, but I don't want to be dozing during my crew shift. I guess I'll make the final decision tomorrow.

I need to go downstairs to get more Gatorade to add to the rest sitting inside my body waiting. This has to be causing hiccups somehow. I've had them about six times today.

Time for some sleep!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

You've gotta be kidneying me


I woke up today and got out of bed, ready to head to the gym. After I'd been standing for a few minutes, I was in excruciating pain. Now, though, it was more localized in my abdomen than in my back. I got in the shower to tough it out, and literally couldn't stand. By the time I got out of the shower, I was just in tears. I called my mom and just started bawling like a tiny little baby.

She was headed out to my place and I couldn't take it anymore. She called my sister, who came to get me so that we could get a head start. We went to Emory because it makes it so much easier for the doctors to know everything about me. I was that person in the ER doubled over, crying out in pain. They got me back to a room and my blood pressure was hovering at 160-something over 100-something.

In all seriousness, it was pretty scary. There were moments when I wasn't sure I was going to make it through. I have never been through pain anywhere near this bad at any point in my life. The central theme throughout the day was that "people say they'd rather have a baby than a kidney stone." I was in a room just bawling and yelling at the top of my lungs for more than an hour. Finally they started giving me IV morphine, which worked for a few minutes and then wore off.

At this point a doctor came in, heard the story, and was pretty sure it was a kidney stone. She ordered another painkiller that's good for stones, and got me scheduled for a CT scan. The painkiller did wonders and I was able to lay flat for the first time all day. I went to get the CT scan which showed two kidney stones. One of them has already made it through the toughest parts and is hanging out just before my bladder. The other's just chilling in my kidney.

I got to come home after 10 long hours, and don't really have to go back unless I vomit, get a fever, or have the severe pain again. It's about time for another pain pill. I'm on four different medications while we wait this out, but it should take care of itself. We're just hoping the second one stays put in my kidney. Jerk.

Thanks to everyone for helping minimize the accident drama from last night. Honestly I've forgotten almost all about it since I didn't get to call the insurance company while in the dungeon.

I've already found a crew shift replacement for tomorrow night, and am going to try to wait it out and attend on Saturday if I'm functioning. I know some folks who are on crew Saturday and I bet someone would drive me (!) if I'm still on all of the medicine.

This has got to be the end of this series of events.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mmmm, lame

I guess I should go ahead and let this cat out of the bag...

Today I had my first car accident. YAY! I have the spot closest to the exit gate at my condo complex. Soooo, at high-traffic times of day, it's always tricky trying to back out. Someone's often waiting for the gate to open, whipping around the corner in a hurry, etc. I was leaving for improv rehearsal tonight and saw a car come around the corner towards the gate. The car went through and I started to back out when another car came pulling around the corner and we collided. Given that I was backing out, it would seem to be my fault. We'll see what they say, but I don't think it's technically anyone's 'fault' since it was in a parking lot on private property.

There are a few things that make me sad about this experience:
1) I really wanted to be in tomorrow's show, but I'm not eligible anymore.
2) I am a perfectionist and am ashamed at the thought of a car accident.
3) With all of the financial shenanigans between Spirit and my laptop (have I mentioned that?), I just really don't want another thing to handle.
4) It makes me feel like a failure in some way.

I know I'm being entirely too hard on myself regarding a fender bender. I mean - I'm okay, there is minimal damage to my car, I have the means to pay for any deductible, etc. I keep reminding myself of something a wise person said: "That's why it's called an 'accident.'"

Tomorrow's a new day. There are much more important things in this world than worrying about something so silly. I just wish it was easier to convince myself of that. I know that I'll have to make phone calls tomorrow and don't want one other thing on my plate. None of us do, huh?

Sorry to be such a downer, but I feel like I just got home and have another ordeal to resolve. Isn't it ironic that I was just commenting about how everything seemed to be looking up? Blah. If I didn't say that life was good, I was definitely thinking it.

Anyway, forget about me. Please send any positive energy you can muster up to my friend KM.

I've fallen and I can't get up

Yes, my back hurts. I mean, ouch. I was somewhat numb for the first portion of the day, probably because I took some of the prescription Motrin I got when I was in the ER several months back. Now, though, my back is just screaming at me again. I didn't hear a response from the doctor, but I will say that today was an improvement from yesterday, so I'm hoping it's just something muscular... The good news is that my SC joint hasn't hurt since I got back in town. I sound like such a hypochondriac right now.

While I'm on the topic of health and what not, my bloodwork was a breeze today! I dressed warmly and put on a jacket for about 30 minutes before the actual blood draw. As I walked into the clinic building, the study coordinator came down the steps and told me to stay there in the lobby versus coming up to the lab where it's COLD. So, I got needled in the middle of the lobby of the building. Either way, it was beautiful. I know a lot of people hate needles and blood, but it was so refreshing after the unsuccessful sticks yesterday. Plus, this means I don't have to withdraw from the study over something ridiculous.

There was some major improvement on the appetite front today. I went to Willy's and was able to sustain my appetite throughout the entire meal! Maybe I was just having Willydrawals. Man, those nachos were good.

The Braves lost tonight, which was disappointing after a good winning streak. I handled it very well, though, because they've been playing so well lately.

What else? I need to do my annual self-evaluation for work when I'm telecommuting tomorrow. I've tried to work on it the past two days, but I get so distracted when I'm trying to answer the narratives at work. Plus, I wanted to give it some time to get over the shock of returning to work after vacation. I did it at this same time last year (the day I returned from Florida), and wasn't the most positive person.

Last night I couldn't sleep for anything. I literally got about two hours of sleep. I have no idea why I'm still up at 1:00 a.m. I thought I would have crashed a long time ago. I took a small nap tonight, but I'm surprised I've lasted this long. Tomorrow's probably going to be tough.

Cheers to all. Life is precious.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Oh me, oh my

There is no justifiable reason why I should be up this late on a Monday night. Like I mentioned, we had 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. rehearsal, and I felt surprisingly awake on the way home. So, I decided to go ahead and watch the Bachelorette from tonight. If this isn't pure entertainment, I don't know what is. We're about to start giving out some roses! She's already sent the psycho home, and now there's a clear underdog in my opinion. We'll see if I'm right... YES! Good girl.

Today was an interesting day back to work. I went to Starbucks on the way and got my Iced White Chocolate Mocha goodness. It was the perfect start to the day, especially because I didn't realize I'd be in four hours of meetings. Because of the meeting craziness, we got pizza delivered, which was a nice treat even though I'm not a pizza fanatic. Then my friend KQ and I went to Yoforia. I got pineapple yogurt with Sour Patch Kids, kiwi and strawberries. Mmm!

I went by the doctor's office to get blood drawn for the study. However, things didn't quite go as planned. After six sticks, there was literally no indication that my arm was willing to relinquish any blood. Sooo, we pretty much gave up and are trying for tomorrow. I wore a dress today and was really cold, which didn't help the cause. I'm gonna dress warmly tomorrow.

What else? I just feel like good things are on the way for me. It's funny that I felt the exact opposite at this time last week.

Oh, and today was not very good on the stomach/appetite front. I forgot to mention (I think) that my back started bothering me at one point during the beach trip. Saturday afternoon the pain was so bad that I was nauseous. Today was like that, too. It's really weird because no painkiller I took was helping the cause. I hope it's just a strain or something and will be headed out of the door ASAP. I emailed my doctor just to get an opinion. We'll see what she says.

Happy birthday to my mom!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The moment we've all been waiting for...


Back to work tomorrow. Coming down from a vacation is so difficult. I do feel very refreshed, though, and could stand to get back into the swing of things again.

I had a good weekend. I got up early yesterday to enjoy some more time on the beach before heading back to Atlanta. I wandered around on the beach for a while and hopped in the car for a 9:30 a.m. departure. My mom and I rode back with my uncle and grandmother and had a pretty good drive. We had Krystal for lunch and made it back to Atlanta just after 4:00 p.m.

I started some laundry and went to the gym. I used my sportband for the first time ever and I liked it. There are a few things I need to investigate as far as running versus walking and if there's any way to make it register distance on an elliptical. It was fun to use, though! I ran into a neighbor at the gym and got invited to hang out at another neighbor's place last night. Then I went out for some drinks at this sneaky little bar underneath Taco Mac.

Today wasn't very productive. I did eat Mexican for dinner, though, so I consider the day a success. I've had a weird appetite lately. I guess you could say I've had a loss of appetite. Ever since the last day in the DR, I haven't quite been feeling right eating-wise. I'll feel really hungry, then feel a knot in my stomach when I start eating. Shortly after, though, my stomach will start growling again. It's a little weird. I also hit the nail on the head when I estimated that I gained five pounds on vacation.

I'm about to go to sleep. I'm going to go into work early tomorrow so that I can come home for a while before my 9:00 p.m. rehearsal. I am excited to see my friends! Send good thoughts my way so that I can survive tomorrow.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Well, the time at the beach is ticking away... Only about 15 hours left before making the journey back to Atlanta. While I am sad to be heading back, there is some mild comfort in the thought of returning to regular life. I've gotten entirely too spoiled in these last few weeks.

I got a splinter the other day and finally got it extracted today. It was actually a sliver of a shell in my heel. Several family members worked on it today, and my uncle finally removed it with a needle and magnifying glass. Is that gross? My heel was bleeding, but now I think I'm back to normal. There's still a little wound, but it appears that the shell is gone.

I got a little pouch to hold my Nike sportband sensor. I found it at the outlet mall and it only cost $2.97. I can't wait to try it when I get home, although I'm hoping my SC joint will be feeling a bit better by then. It has been such a mess on this entire trip, especially on the airplane. I literally thought it was going to explode on the flight to Jacksonville.

The beach house numbers are dwindling. We have had 15 different people here and are now down to a mere seven. It's nice that it's getting quiet (and that I'll get to sleep in a bed!), but I did enjoy visiting with everyone. And playing Apples to Apples!

Tomorrow I'm riding back with my grandmother, uncle and mom. We plan to leave at around 11:00 a.m., and I can't remember how long the ride takes. I'm going to be relieved to have some alone time. It's been so long!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Biggest loser

Tonight we played a fake round of Bunco. Well, the Bunco was real, but it wasn't for money. That's a shame because I actually would have won money. I wouldn't have won because I did well, but would have won because I was so horrible. I had the most losses out of the entire family. Wooohooo!

I really don't have much to say. I'm getting a little discouraged about the fact that the end of this vacation is so real. There's one more full day at the beach, and then I'll have Saturday night and Sunday at home before going back to work.

I'm glad because I get to sleep in a bed tonight. I can't wait to be in my own bed at home. I haven't slept in a room by myself in two weeks. Can you tell I'm kind of out of it? I'm tired and in a weird mood.

Well, I'm watching the Braves win right now, so that's a great feeling. Go Bravos!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I will guard and protect your heart

That title is from last night's episode of the Bachelorette. All of the girls (almost all!) at the beach house watched together last night while enjoying glasses of wine. We decided to use "rose," "weatherman," and "here for the right reason" as drinking keywords. It was a lot of fun. I think I need to apply to be on there. I would be so ruthless.

In breaking news, my roommate called last night to let me know that a large branch has fallen on my car. WOOOHOOO! She was unsure as to whether or not there was damage, but I guess there's nothing I can do about it now... kind of like the regrettable decision to book on Spirit.

The other night I played Apples to Apples for the first time. I always thought it sounded a little questionable, but it was so much fun! I can't explain it, but I promise that you'd have to be a real loser to not like it. Take that! I think we're going to play it tonight.

The weather in Florida is very, very hot. It's weird because the sunlight was so much more direct in the Dominican, but the breeze there was much stronger. I can hardly stand to be outside here. Plus, I'm not really in the mood to go in the water to get bitten by a shark. I'm not having the best luck lately. I did find my first shark's tooth yesterday, followed by five more.

My cousin Becca and I went for a run yesterday and it was 98 degrees outside. WOW! We ran about 1.5 miles because it was entirely too hot. I am glad to have gone out and gotten some exercise, though.

I wrote all of that early this morning and then got interrupted and didn't finish.

I had my first hint of good luck today! Some of the guys have been trying to catch fish, sharks, etc. I literally caught a fish in the ocean on my first cast. My total for the day was five fish. Everyone was pretty impressed and a little envious. My dad acted as my caddie. We might get up early and try to catch some sharks before sunrise. WATCH ME GO! All of my fish were pretty small (6-10 inches), but they were really cute. I am satisfied.

I guess we're about to start getting dinner in the works, so I'm outta here.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A story

I woke up Saturday morning feeling sad about leaving, but satisfied with the trip. We ate some breakfast and headed to the airport to fly back to Atlanta. As we headed to the Spirit counter, we noticed that every screen said FLIGHT CANCELLED. I was praying this wasn't accurate until I heard the people in front of us using expletives. At that point, we were terrified.

We walked up to the counter and asked why our flight was canceled (I prefer one L). The representative said that they couldn't get an aircraft there. We asked when they'd be able to get an aircraft there, and they said they didn't know. At that point, the workers told us we would get a FULL reimbursement for our round trip and would just have to book a flight home on another airline.

I started getting feisty with the guy asking him if he would just book my flight himself. Believe it or not, he offered for me to stay at his house. He told me we could call his wife to see if I could stay there. NO THANK YOU. So, we headed over to the Delta counter to figure out another flight home. At this point, I was trying to decide if I should head to Atlanta or to Jacksonville, Florida since I'd be heading there first thing on Sunday morning. The flight to Jacksonville wasn't much more than the flight to Atlanta, so I went ahead and opted for the Jacksonville route, even though I'd stop in Atlanta. Mind you that I've now spent another $800 to get home, when my original round trip was only $640.

Spirit neglected to mention that its pilots were on strike, but one of the workers secretly informed my friend. When we landed in Atlanta, though, and used Google, the top result for Spirit was informing us of the pilot strike - the first one in at least five years or something. Now that's some good luck. If anyone I know ever books on Spirit, we will no longer be friends.

The Delta flight to Atlanta took off almost an hour later than expected. Then, when we landed in Atlanta, I knew I was starting to cut it close with my Jacksonville flight. When I finally got off the plane, I had to go get my bag to go through Customs in Atlanta before heading to Florida. However, my bag was nowhere to be found and my plane was boarding. A worker suggested that I just leave without it and figure it out when I land in Florida. I then busted into a movie-like expedition through the airport, literally sprinting and knocking people out of the way.

When I got to security, I just ran up to the first worker I saw and asked if I could go to the front of the line. The guy guided me through the line, unhooking chains to let me through to the very front. No questions asked. I've never felt faster than I did running on the moving walkway. When I ran off the moving walkway I almost slammed into the wall in front of me because I still had such momentum. I can't think of a time that I worked out so hard. Maybe I should start carrying a 15-pound bag when I do sprints on the treadmill.

I got to my gate 30 minutes after boarding started (8 minutes before takeoff), and there was not a soul in sight. I ran up to the counter and handed the two ladies my boarding pass, at which point they said that they thought I was an unaccompanied minor. Then they started talking about how 'tiny' I am and, after simply staring at them through all of this, I just asked if I could get on the airplane. They said yes. I got on the plane looking so frazzled and made my anti-Spirit announcement for the plane to hear.

The flight was nice. I talked to a 69-year-old named Mary who said she wished her sons were younger so I could date them. When I arrived in Jacksonville, I stood hopelessly at baggage claim waiting for the bag that I knew was probably nowhere to be found. After the place cleared out (and I was the only one left waiting, again), I went to the baggage claim office to learn that my bag was at JFK airport in New York City. At that point, I really didn't even care.

A nice man named Carl brought my suitcase by yesterday at about 3:30 p.m. I did go to Target to take advantage of Delta's $50-in-the-first-24-hours-of-baglessness policy, so I got a new shirt, a pair of shorts, and some other miscellaneous stuff. Lordy.

All that being said, the trip was wonderful. I can't believe that I still have another week left. This is the way to do it! I literally haven't thought about work the entire trip. I used to like the idea of a bunch of long weekend trips versus using vacation days all at once. The thing about the long weekends, though, is that you're not far enough removed to ever really feel dissociated from work.

Today should be a great day since I have a bathing suit. Although, if I were in the Dominican Republic, having a bathing suit would be irrelevant.

More to come...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Spirit Airlines = BIG Mistake

I really need to go to sleep, but I have a few things to get off my chest...

Spirit Airlines is horrible.
I am on the couch at the beach house in Ponte Vedra.
My bag was in New York City last I heard.
I am wearing a Delta t-shirt, but also want to punch Delta.

Now put those pieces together.

I have so many stories wanting to be told, but I'm a little bummed because, since I didn't go home before I came here, I don't have my laptop and will be using the communal one. I'll make it happen.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Late December back in '63

Guess who hasn't gone to sleep yet?! Guess who isn't going to sleep tonight?! This was not intentional.

Today was such a busy day. Between trying to finalize everything under the sun for work and get ready for this trip, I have been going nonstop all day. I stayed up later than I should have last night, but I think the adrenaline was kicking in because I wasn't feeling tired. This morning I woke up pretty early, too, probably because my body knew how much there was to accomplish today...

DANG! THE BRAVES LOST! They didn't just lose or anything. It hit me that I didn't see any of the game, so I checked the score.

Anyway, I did go to the fitness center for a brief stint today and met a neighbor. That was a highlight of the day because it was the only moment when I forgot how much stuff there was to do. Fast-forward through a day of nonstop work (I am still emailing work people right now) into a crew shift. The camera is officially jacked up, so it was a challenge to train tonight's pupil appropriately, but he got the gist of it. The show was a blast.

Right before the show I was in decision-making mode. Knowing how much stuff I needed to get done when I'd get home at midnight, I made the decision to drink a Monster at 9:00 p.m. for my shift drink. I was tired enough that I never really got a boost, but at least I'm coasting right now. About an hour ago, I had to make another decision - whether to take a nap or not. I started to lay down to take a nap, but then I decided maybe I should truck through. So, I went and unloaded the dishwasher.

I'm very hopeful that everything goes smoothly with our travel arrangements tomorrow. My biggest source of paranoia is all of my medicine. I tried to make phone calls to make sure I have it all figured out, but I'm not sure how effective that was. Let's just say that my study drug looks shady... little homemade-looking packets of white powder. Being the person I am, I would like to be up-front at the airport about all of my medical stuff and what not. However, I don't want to end up going through some ridiculous drama just because I chose to be honest. I'm carrying all of my medicine in my carry-on and I have the best documentation I could get for each of the items. I don't think I will bring anything up unless I'm asked. Once I get through the airport shenanigans to leave, though, I'll have to go through Customs. I hope I'm not in a jail in the Dominican Republic by the time you read this. Maybe I could sue someone and make a lot of money if that happened. I must officially be delirious to be having these trains of thought. Choo. Choo.

I need to make a luggage tag.

I don't feel so hot today, but I know that relaxation is just around the corner. It doesn't help that I've been up forever, but oh well. I might drink an Emergen-C after I finish my morning breathing treatments that I just started. I'm getting picked up in 1.25 hours.

Man! I set up my out-of-office reply a few hours ago. That felt so good! I literally won't deal with work for the next 16 days. BALLER! I know I'm going to have some revelations over the next few days of things I forgot to do, but I'm going to let them slide.

It's weird when an occasion finally arrives that you thought would never get here. It's still a little surreal to me, and part of that probably involves the fact that my brain isn't functioning at its full capacity right now. Wait, I don't think that makes sense. It's not acting to its fullest potential? I would hope its capacity isn't maxed out because I don't feel very smart right now. I am talking in circles.

I hope I haven't forgotten anything. Luggage tag. Luggage tag. Luggage tag. I just finished my breathing treatments, so I guess I'd better pack up my little machine and put it in my carry-on. La. Dee. Da.

I'm gonna miss y'all. I love everyone. Please bail me out of the DR jail.

Oh, and I doubt I'll have access to blog-writing. But I'll try to document each day so that I can write upon my return.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rain makes corn

I am watching my boys win a baseball game against the Dodgers right now. It's 3-0 in an inning that I can't see without my glasses... I think it could be the fifth. I am so proud of the Braves right now!

Well, I am almost done packing for the Dominican. I have no idea what I'm going to need, but I think I've gotten the bathing suits and lounging clothes covered. I'm kind of paranoid about medicine, having appropriate attire, etc. I figure I'm going to be in paradise, though, so I shouldn't need much. Only time will tell if I'm correct...

Today I went to Target to try to get some prescriptions before I leave on my journey. I dropped them off on Tuesday, and I got there today and spent literally an hour negotiating with them to get it all figured out. At the end of it all, I got 1 1/2 of my three prescriptions. The only one that I got fully was the one that I won't need unless I get sick - the antibiotic. Even mentioning the word 'sick' makes me sick(!) right now because that's not my vision of the perfect vacation, but you never know. I didn't wake up feeling very good today, and I've sneezed about 15 times. I think this signals that I'm at the end of this going-nonstop stretch.

What else? I met my brother at Monterrey today for lunch. I got an order of grilled steak quesadillas and they were SUPERB! That's not exactly the diet of a person who's about to be wearing bikinis, but whatever. They were awesome!

Speaking of bikinis, I got both of my Victoria's Secret bathing suits yesterday. I wish they fit better than they did, but there's not much I can do about it now. One of them is a little disfigured from the way it was packaged for shipping, and the other just isn't very flattering. I don't think it's merchandise issues. Instead it is being-hard-on-myself issues, so I will probably get over it when I'm at the beach. I really haven't worn a bathing suit yet this year, except at the Dierks concert, but I was wearing a cover-up dress over it the entire time. Blaaaaah, blaaaaah.

I exercised tonight. I didn't push myself as hard as I'd have liked, but my SC joint has really been bothering me for almost two weeks. I've had radiating pain in the area for a little while now, and it has literally kept me up at night because I couldn't get comfortable. It's a weird heating sensation. I guess that's on the to-do list for when I return if I don't experience a miraculous recovery while I'm away. Maybe I'm due for another Cortisone injection. Ouch.

Time to get ready for bed. I've got a lot to accomplish at work tomorrow. On top of that, I have to work at the theatre tomorrow night. I can do it!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Wooohooooo! Well, today was a busy day. I got up and worked a bit and then headed into the office. I went to our staff meeting and had to leave for an appointment shortly after. Today I officially became a Patient Family Advisor at Emory, so that's pretty cool. I got my own namebadge and valet parking validation. I felt pretty official walking around the hospital with a namebadge. I was nominated and interviewed for this last year, but it took a little bit of time to get off the ground. Basically I'll help make recommendations for improved patient care at the hospital. Pretty cool!

Then I headed to my doctor's appointment which went pretty well. My PFTs were exactly the same down to the hundredth of a point. I'm glad they didn't decrease, but I was kind of hoping for an increase. Next time! I also got referred to an endocrinologist because of my bone density scan. BLAH!. Now, for the highlight of my appointment...

When some members from the CF team came to see my benefit show, they gave me a card with a picture of a Nike+ sportband. Now, I didn't realize at the time that they had truly ordered that for me. I just thought it was a metaphor or something. Well, today at the appointment, the doctor walked in with a little box and it contained the sportband. I'm pretty stinkin' excited. It has a little wristband thing and a sensor that goes in my shoe and it will document my workouts - like my pace, distance, etc. I think it's gonna be a good motivator. I was tinkering with it this afternoon and realized I need shoes with a sensor holder or a little pouch to put it in to attach to my shoe. I'm going to figure that out tomorrow. I went and worked out hardcore today, though, because I was excited about it. I can't wait to experiment!

My Braves are about to destroy the Phillies. It's 5-0 in the bottom of the fifth. Come on, boys! I'm confused because it looks like it's raining at Turner Field, but I haven't seen it here yet...

Hmm, yep. That's about all I have to say. I'm getting really sleepy.