Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Sooooooooooo, this is really random, but I literally happened upon a guy on Facebook that I met about 12 years ago - maybe even 13. It would be a little bit embarrassing if he were reading this, but I met him back in the late 90s (so weird to say) when I attended a CF camp in the Florida Keys. I haphazardly clicked on this CFer on Facebook and this other guy's name stuck out like a sore thumb. I met him the summer before seventh grade, and he was about 31 years old if I remember correctly. I just really idolized him because he would try to get us all to go running in the morning before breakfast. I wrote some letters to him after camp and have pictures of us on a snorkeling trip. Anyway, I remember searching for him on Facebook a long time ago because I've never forgotten meeting him, but I couldn't find him at the time. I hope he remembers me. CFers have this weird bond; it's kind of like that bond that twins have that can't be explained.

Well, last night didn't quite go according to plan. I'm not sure if I wrote this or simply thought it, but I had every intention of going to bed early last night since I was home early (before 10) and knew I had a long day ahead of me. For some reason, when I laid down for bed, I just wasn't tired at all. I was trying to think of every trick in the book for getting to bed, but nothing was making me tired. I truly can't remember the last time it took two hours to fall asleep after I laid down, but it was frustrating. I also woke throughout the night, and found myself really restless. It looks like that's the payback for staying up too late on the weekends.

I don't have a whole lot to say about today. There's work-related things that I could elaborate on, but that wouldn't be a ton of fun. I had some meetings and what not. The perk of the day was that I had some steak nachos at Willy's. Dang, I want some right now.

It's tough because I'm getting tired and don't want to miss this opportunity. After last night, I feel like I should start trying to sleep as early as possible. Wow, it's after midnight.

Well, today was an okay one. I didn't work out, but I did try on a bathing suit I received from an online purchase and it fit okay. I wonder what I'll think of it tomorrow. The bottom line is that tomorrow will involve an intense workout.


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