Friday, May 21, 2010

Placebo effect in effect

Here I am... all vanilla'd up. So, I had my study appointment today. My arms decided not to give blood at the study appointment, which seems to be the norm nowadays. I drank water all morning to make sure I was hydrated and did the best I could, but my arms were not interested in cooperating. I ended up getting 8 sticks for not much blood. One of these attempted areas is gonna be a WHAMMY because I insisted on continuing to try. In the team's defense, I'm the persistent one who wants to keep fishing around until they get in the vein.

I learned today that I will actually never be told whether ot not I was on the real drug. Here are all of the reasons why I already think I'm on the real thing...

1) It tastes absolutely awful. If this really were just some kind of vanilla extract, I can't imagine it tasting this bad. It tastes so bad that it's GOT to be real!
2) Right after I took it I was feeling a little weird - just like a slight disorientation as though I had taken a chemical of some kind.
3) My throat has been hurting although I haven't been coughing... Just a few minutes ago I pulled up the list of side effects reported in the last stage of clinical trials and 'sore throat' was one of them. Please note that I was 100 percent unaware of this until moments ago, but my throat has been hurting for a few hours...

All of my reasons are kind of funny because they're so placebo-esque. I mean, I realize reason #2 is just me deciding like I 'feel' like I took something. I am just trying to use the power of my subconscious to make this drug for real! Another thing to note is that I also just started exercising hardcore.

So, with that in mind, I might start feeling better independent of the vanilla, but we'll see. I did end up getting up this morning and exercising. I was a hair away from skipping because I knew I hadn't gotten much sleep. However, I really didn't want to miss a day and knew that I wouldn't have the option later in the day, so I went for it. I ran 3 miles - almost 15 minutes of continuous jogging and about 15 minutes of sprints/short bursts. It sure wore me out!

YES! I might have just heard thunder...

Tonight's show was a lot of fun. The audience was a really good size for a Thursday night - the biggest I've seen in a little while. I played Emo Interview (changer), ABC Buzzer, Meet the Experts (Barbara Buchanan on "Going Green"), and Repeat Scene Direction (dumb blonde and stoner). I had a great time! I talked to some really nice folks after the show.

It's time to sleep!

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