Sunday, May 2, 2010


Good grief, where does the time go? I swear time is getting lesser and lesser by the day.

Yesterday I slept in until 11:00 a.m. Now, given the fact that I'm complaining about having no time, I realize that wasn't exactly an effective use of my Saturday morning. However, I wouldn't have felt compelled to sleep that late if I wasn't completely exhausted, so I'm just listening to my body. Then I headed over to the gym and exercised for a bit. I did 20 minutes on the elliptical and 12 on the treadmill. It was a good start to the day!

Then I hurriedly showered and got ready and met my friend DH for lunch. We were going to go to Hudson Grille, but apparently it closed or something, so we went to Taco Mac instead. Wooo! Aside from her coming to my improv show last Thursday, we hadn't really talked in YEARS, so that was a lot of fun. I love catching up with relatable people!

I then decided that I needed to go get groceries since it had been probably close to a month. I am really not good at fulfilling my basic needs when I have next to no free time. I realize that my basic needs should come first, but dang, it's tough. I just went into Target (the SUPER kind!) and got some stuff. I had a hard time because I wanted to get home quickly and dodge the rain, so I just arbitrarily grabbed healthyish stuff, plus a few things like shampoo, etc. Consider it true if it's written here - I really want to start eating healthier. Not for vanity's sake, but because I know I don't have good eating habits and I used to feel much more energized when I ate such a variety. Granted, at that time, my only concerns were being in high school and making smoothies, but I felt healthier nutrition-wise. So, that's a goal of mine.

I put groceries up, laid down for a bit, then realized it was time to head out to my crew shift at the theatre. I stopped by Starbucks at the way (See? Thinking I can drink my energy?) and got an iced vanilla latte. I got down to the theatre and trained a newby on suggestions and worked the camera during the show. The shows were a lot of fun to watch and, even though I was out late, I enjoyed myself!

Now I'm getting ready to go watch the kids perform at the theatre - well, the youths and teens. It should be a lot of fun. I'm getting lunch beforehand. YAY!


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