Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I wear my sunglizzles at night

I keep forgetting to mention this new shirt I got at Target last week(ish). It's fresh on my mind because I might wear it in tomorrow's show. I got it for $4! It has sunglasses on it, hence the title of this post. It has six or eight pairs of sunglasses on it, and it's kinda cute-like. I love me some cheap junk.

So, let me tell you more about being a terrorist for the last 24 hours. I'm surprised at how well I slept last night. Now, I keep forgetting that I took an AdvilPM, which could have been a big contributor, but man, I slept like a log! I am also relieved by how nonchokered I felt. It was pretty awesome! That brings me to my next breaking news topic...

I have come up with a new invention. I am going to post it out for the world to see, and then sue you when you take my idea. It's a pillow that dangles from your body. Now, give me a minute to explain. I think the strap will velcro across your torso right underneath your arms to prevent any strain from being on one area in particular. The pillow will then dangle down to one side, with the top of the pillow hitting waist height. Are you with me?

That's basically how I was all day. I wore the bomber vest, but instead of putting the machine back into the fanny pack, I left it inside its pillow. It brought a whole new perspective to life. Everywhere I went, I was comfortable because there was a pillow attached to me. As I walked, I naturally held on to the pillow and felt so comfy and safe, like a child. The pillow also acted as a portable lap desk for my laptop, which was really convenient. I know this is probably sounding crazy, but I bet someone said that about the Snuggie years ago. I'm still thinking of a name, but I promise it was awesome. I'm not being facetious at all; I felt so protected and at-ease all day.

My friend brought me Moe's today! Guess what I had?! STEAK NACHOS! We had a nice visit over lunch, and it was so awesome to have some human interaction AND some delicious food during a period in which I wasn't going to have any of that. It was good to catch up and talk life!

Umm, what else? I made some revelations today when I met my friend at Starbucks. I'm excited about them, so I hope I don't forget them. Maybe then I can have re-revelations.

Well, I gotta get to bed. I have a big morning ahead of me. I plan to get up and exercise for a bit first thing. Then, on the way to Emory, I have to stop at the grocery store to get a few items for a colleague's bridal shower tomorrow. However, I have a study appointment at 8:30 a.m., so I'll head straight there. I am fasting right now. I'm not sure how long all of tomorrow will take, but then I'll go into work until I have to head down to the SHOW! I am excited to be in the show! Even though it hasn't been very long, it sure feels like it. Adddddddiction.

Drew's Crew: $13,350!

I got a neat present tonight, too. The birthday that keeps on giving! It is a dream journal and a book to interpret my dreams. I am going to start documenting my dreams on paper using the journal. I remember when I was younger I'd keep a pad by my bed and would often be able to catch my dreams before they escaped me in the morning. It was hilarious going back and looking what I wrote later in the day when I had completely forgotten that I'd logged the dream. I hope I get a good one tonight! Oh, the pressure!

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