Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pollination transformation

I'm gonna attempt to make this quick-like since it's past my bedtime already...

Today was a somewhat successful day. I worked from home, which brought great relief to a week that hadn't started out as I'd hoped. I decided to sit outside on my patio and work for a while. I knew I was taking a risk given the pollen count, but it seemed to have been a risk worth taking. When pollen has really irritated me before, it's almost instantaneous, so I think I may have dodged a bullet. Knock on wizzooood.

Instead of going anywhere to pick up lunch, I decided to exercise for part of my lunch hour and put some of last night's groceries to good use. Well, exercising was a bit tough, but I outdid myself and did 3.4 miles today. I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to how much time I spent running versus walking, but I did the 3.4 in 36 minutes, so that's averaging about 6.0 mph at all times. So, I considered that a win. I am pretty pleased with myself AND my dedication. I'd like to work out in the morning, but it's getting pretty unlikely if I'm going to get sufficient sleep.

Well, I am in tomorrow night's improv show, so that should be fun. I was between a rock and a hard place because I really, really wanted to see a Braves game in their first home stand of the season, but my only off-day was their only off-day. As it got closer and closer to showtime and I didn't have a Braves plan yet, I didn't want to end up with no show and no game. So, given the rain in the forecast for tomorrow, plus the fact that it would be difficult to throw that together last-minute, I'm glad I won't be able to attend the game for a solid, legitimate, also fun reason. I'm excited because one of my old bosses is coming! Congrats on being 2-0, Bravos!

I think that's about it. Drew's Crew kept it pretty low-key today, but we're looking at $8317 today. I'm excited because I am at $4000 on the nose. That's 40 percent of my goal, which is a little AHHH since I am not keeping a steady pace, but it's AWESOME! Shameless plug.

Umm, yeah. Going to BED!

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