Thursday, April 15, 2010


So. Tired.

Today in summary:

I didn't sleep too well, but got up and got gasoline para mi coche and an iced mocha latte before work (Starbucks).

When I got to work, I began by cleaning off my desk. I have no idea why I would do that, other than trying to get motivated. I had a huge stack of random papers on my desk and now they're gone. Awesome. Then, being that it's the biggest mass email day of the month, I was surprised to find that our mass email tool was down. For several hours. Soooo, that brought my work for the day to a screeching halt.

During the time in which I was trying to maintain my sanity, tomorrow night's emcee called me to see if I had plans for tomorrow (Friday) night. Hoping this was going somewhere good, I said I didn't and got asked if I would like to be in the show tomorrow night. I giddily said yes and literally galloped around the office for a few moments. I'm a combination of nervous and psyched, but mostly psyched! It will be fun getting to perform with the mainstagers! I bet I will learn a lot.

I then went and ate steak nachos at Willy's.

The system was up and running for me when I got back, so I got as much done as I could. I didn't get everything accomplished that was on the agenda today, but I made a great effort given the circumstances.

Then I headed to Midtown for tonight's show. I had so much fun tonight, and literally used every ounce of energy I had! I played ABC Buzzer, Repeat Scene Styles (Gladiator, Soap Opera, High School Musical), Helping Hands Oscar (handless), Script in Hand (off-book), and Sounds Like a Song/Rap. Man, it was a lot of fun! [INTERRUPTION: DONATION ALERT!] My parents and a few friends came, including my faaaaaavorite nurse ever. I looooooooooove Script in Hand; it is in my top games!

That donation was the perfect segue to say that Drew's Crew is at $9,777. I hope to hit $10,000 by the end of the week. Have I already mentioned that? I feel like I've already said that. Okay, I'm teasing with you - I had this conversation with myself last night, but I meant it last night. I forgot to look back and see if I'd really said it the day before.

So, how about I go to sleep?! I've got to do some resting so I am energized for tomorrow night!


  1. MAIN STAGE!!!! You go girl! Have fun tonite! Eat breakfast for sure today..........!!!

  2. I know you are rockin' it AS I POST THIS. Actually, you're just playing drums, so it's a different kind of rockin' it, but rockin' it nonetheless. I need sleep. Sorry.

    PS I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE a clean desk at work. Makes me inexplicably proud.
