Monday, April 12, 2010

what a day

At least the Braves didn't lose 17 to 2. Oh wait, they did. Darn.

I'd say the Braves score is indicative of my overall day. I know that's kind of melodramatic, but oh well. Today was one of those days where it was hard to snap out of it. ARGGGGH! At least it's about over...

Surprisingly, I was able to sleep through the night like I hadn't taken 6 hours of naps immediately before laying down for bed. I'm just amazed that I could sleep from almost 3:00 p.m. until 6:22 a.m. That's quite the accomplishment. Sadly, it's probably the biggest success of the day.

I did get up and exercise this morning, although it was extremely difficult to wake up this morning. I did about 32 minutes of varying activities in the fitness center, experiencing some of the same exercise ADD that I had yesterday. I then headed off to work where I kicked off my day with a lovely 1.5-hour meeting that we have once a month. I went out to eat for lunch (Mexican), so that was a highlight.

I went to Starbucks on the way to rehearsal because I figured I needed some kind of fake enthusiasm in order to do a good job. It's getting increasingly difficult to go to rehearsal with an open mind on Mondays after work. Mmm, maybe if I anticipate it on Mondays from here on out, it won't take me by surprise. Anyway, rehearsal was a lot of fun. We played ABC Buzzer and Blind Scene, and the fact that I hadn't had a good day didn't cross my mind once!

Well, tomorrow's the big day at the doctor. I have to do a two-hour glucose tolerance test, which means I am beginning to fast. BLAH! I will never be as hungry as I will be tomorrow morning. Anyway, I need to get my blood drawn at 10:00 a.m., then I'll drink the orange drank and get blood drawn again at noon. I need to get a DEXA bone density scan somewhere in that time, too, so that the doctors can tell me I have osteopenia. Then, I have my pulmonary function tests (PFTs) at 12:30 p.m. and my actual appointment at 1:00 p.m. Yeaaaaaaaah, it's gonna be a pretty long day. While the optimist in me wants to say that it will go well, the pragmatist in me doesn't have very high hopes. Whatever happens, I will handle it with grace... and probably IV antibiotics.

Umm, what else? That's all. No money raised online for Drew's Crew today, but one of the crew members should have made his first push tonight, so I'm hoping I'll see an increase when I check the total in the morning. Unless you beat him to it....

Have a good night. I will report on judgment day tomorrow.


  1. Why is it harder to come Mondays with an open mind?

  2. Mondays bring meetings, rectifying problems that aren't mine, occasionally tears, and an all-out horrible mood.
