Sunday, April 11, 2010


At what point does a nap no longer classify as a nap? Does it depend on what time it starts or its duration? Either way, I basically slept from 3:00 to 10:00 p.m. this afternoon, with the exception of one or two little stints of waking up for 30 minutes. I mean, that's incredible. I'm afraid it could be difficult to sleep tonight, which is why I'm going to be quick-like. Gotta keep this napping momentum going!

Today I got up and hit the gym first thing. I experienced the worst cast of gym ADD that I've ever had. I would get on one machine for a few minutes, feel like changing to something else, then repeat that again. All in all, I did a little over 30 minutes of stuff, but it was really hard to stay focused. I have no idea why!

Then, I got picked up to go eat an early lunch at El Azteca (Peachtree). I was graced by my two female apprenti, which was fun. We chit-chatted and had a few margaritas before heading to WWIT for the monthly teen performance. It was a lot of fun to watch! I was also excited because I knew that a fellow CFer was in the show (small world, I know), so I got to talk to his mom. CFers just have this inherent bond.

That reminds me that I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. I'm not exactly worried about it, but I'm definitely feeling some hesitance. I just don't know if it will go well. I haven't felt GREAT in a while.

Speaking of not feeling great, the Braves are kinda sucking. I mean, they could be doing worse, but they have 3 wins and 3 losses right now. I'm kinda thankful that I fell asleep for most of today's game. I started off with a feeling that this season was gonna be different, and it's starting to dwindle. COME ON!

Well, there's more I could drone on about, but I really didn't have a productive weekend. It was just kinda there. I tried to write and had no success. I just kind of piddled around, but I guess I'm entitled to that considering how busy I've been lately.

I'm hoping for a good week of fundraising. Drew's Crew is at $8592. I hope we can pick up some momentum this week and hit maybe $11 or $12K. We'll hit the one-month-out mark on Wednesday, so we've gotta get it going!

Good night, y'aaaaallllllllllllll!

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