Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I remember in September

Can you believe it's September? I don't even know where August went.....

Well, I only have 4 IV antibiotic infusions left. Woohooo! The doctor tried to continue the therapy, but I quickly rejected that idea. It looks like a nurse should be coming to remove my PICC line tomorrow, so I'm really excited to be able to wash my hair with two arms again.

I can't even remember what I did all weekend.... I pretty much watched the Braves and got frustrated more often than not. I did hit up El Toro with mi hermana on Saturday night, so that was fun! My roommate and I made some Jell-O and other productive activities as well.

I have run 5 miles a day since I got out of the hospital, totaling about 40 miles. What a champion! Now try to tell me I need to continue the IV therapy. I like that when the pharmacist called me, she was like, "Well, you won the battle. We're taking it out." WAM, BAM, THANK YOU, MA'AM! I told her that I don't lose; that's just not something I do.

My uncle just came over and brought me Coldstone! I had watermelon sorbet with gummy bears. Deeeeeeelicious!

Gee, I'm super excited because Tim Hudson pitches tonight. I have missed him dearly all season. He is awesome! And he better be...

Hopefully this is my last blog with these silly cords dangling out of my arm...

1 comment:

  1. now that i know about your blog, i have been reading it. you crack me up, it's nice to know i can keep up with your doings online. that's awesome that you are getting your PICC line out tomorrow! I hope all is well. MISS YOU LOVER.
