Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Eve Day

Well, tonight offically marks the end of my looooooong leave from work. It really went by pretty quickly, but I'm sure I will have forgotten it in no time by the time I get to work. I have already made a decision to get an iced vanilla latte on the way to work in the morning. I've also already taken an Ambien so I can hopefully sleep through the night. I clearly enjoy substances that regulate my energy levels.

I got up really early today and ran 5 miles. It was a successful run - I felt pretty good and nothing was hurting, which is very rare. Of course my first rib has been aching off and on all day and, ironically, it's the one opposite the one I displaced. Life has a funny way!

Then I prepared for what would end up being a somewhat mediocre pool day. I went to the store and got some snacks, cocktail materials, etc. and came home and got all coolered up. My friend got here a little after 1:00 p.m. and we headed to the pool. Within minutes, the mosquitoes started pool day infestation. We really tried to tough it out, but after ravaging the house, all I had for us was some Benedryl anti-itch gel (that we got to extinguish my sunscreen reaction at the beach). I mean, that helped stop the itching after the mosquitoes had already accomplished their missions. So, pool day didn't last all that long and was mainly spent being paranoid and swatting. Oh well!

The rest of the day was very anticlimactic. In fact, I did nothing except eat two turkey dogs and drink a little Gatorade. Now that's what I call sending the summer off with a bang!

Ooh, one other exciting thing was that I checked my mail today and the county criminal court was looking for another resident that lived here previously. There have been several tenants with records in this place, apparently. I get letters from law offices, letters from court, FedExed letters from CarMax asking for stolen cars back... Wooohooo! I feel like a rebel just living here!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Drew-

    Just stopping by to say hello and introduce myself. I'm Ronnie, 29 w/CF.

    That's AWESOME that you cranked out 5 miles. Keep that up....and maybe share with me some of your running secrets :)

