Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So, I was just sitting here in bed and felt like I was shaking. I thought my legs were twitching, but it seemed like I was tremoring all over. Then, I looked at a glass of water sitting by my bed and it was sloshing. I honestly have no clue what's going on, but it's kind of freaky. It seems to have stopped, but it was intermittently shaking for several minutes. I texted my sister to see if her house is shaking since she's so nearby. She hasn't responded; hopefully her house hasn't collapsed already in the quake.

I don't think all of the coffee in the world could have helped me make it through the work day. After being completely and utterly lazy for the last three weeks, returning to work was an extreme challenge. Thankfully one of my coworkers brought me a bag of gummy bears, so that was the only lifeline I had going for me today.

THE BRAVES ARE WINNING. Sorry, I needed to get that out there before they sabatoge themselves.

Tomorrow is 09.09.09. I'm not sure why that kind of excites me - I guess because I'm a dork.

I didn't exercise today, which is kind of lame, but I was just so exhausted by the time I got home from work. Plus, I couldn't sleep last night - I was trying to get to sleep early like it was the first day of school or something, so of course I was just tossing and turning. I definitely plan to exercise tomorrow because I need to maintain this habit from the get-go.

Well, I'm sure tomorrow will be an improvement; returning from any vacation tends to be tough.

I have seriously taken two hours to finish this. That's why it's all over the place. I am just writing one thought at a time and then trying to resume 15 minutes later.... GOOD NIGHT!

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