Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Honestly, I'm sitting here trying to remember what I even did all day. I am getting so good at this unproductive life that I don't even have any recollection of the days anymore; it's all becoming a blur. This is going to be lame because nothing too interesting happened if I'm having to guess my way through the day's highlights...

Well, I got up and did my second to last IV just before 8:00 a.m. I got up again at 10:00 a.m. and did my last IV! Then it seems like maybe I went back to sleep or something. I have no idea. I did eat some Publix brand Frosted Flakes.

I went to the gym just after noon and exercised for over an hour. Then, I think I came back here and ate more... some macaroni and fruit to be exact. I think I got a shower after all of that eating and then went back to sleep.

I got up around 4:00 p.m., did some laundry, watched some trashy courtroom TV, and got ready to go to improv. Then, I went and got a smoothie and had a swell time at practice.

After I got home from improv, I ran in the house super-excited because the Braves rallied within one run of the Marlins. Then, we tied it up in the top of the 9th only to give up a home run in the bottom of the 9th. That was approximately 4 seconds after I sent a text to my brother, stating, "He's so evil it's hard not to trust him," regarding Mike Gonzalez. Oopsy.

Well, I still have my PICC line in, but it is supposedly getting removed tomorrow. I am so ready for this thing to be out of here! At least I don't have to do IVs anymore. I can't wait until tomorrow, my first completely IV-free day. AWESOME!

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