Friday, November 27, 2009

Shake what yo' mama gave ya

I'm doing my vest right now. I've done it every day since I've been at my parents' house, so I'm pretty proud of myself. Granted, it would be extremely hard to make an excuse not to do it when I'm sitting around all day, but hey! I'm still pretty proud of myself.

Well, Thanksgiving was a grand success. I ate a small amount of turkey, but primarily overdosed on an unexpected surprise - macaroni and cheese! My brother's girlfriend made it and it was excellent. I also had some mashed potatoes and corn casserole. I mainly feasted on side items.

Last night I watched several episodes of The Office and I'm actually watching one the same episodes again right now. I am getting excited about the Georgia vs. Georgia Tech game tomorrow. I've been excited about it all season, and now it's just around the corner. Yeah buddy! I've watched more TV in the last few days than I typically do in a month. It's pretty fun; I can see why people do it!

I did not participate in the Black Friday ordeal and am proud to say I don't remember a time when I ever have. My mom went and bought a laptop early this morning, so I got to help her set it up while she acted helpless today (Hi Mom!). She is over there playing a game on it right now. She looks like she's having a real tough time.

Today I met one of my best childhood friends for lunch at O'Charley's. I enjoyed some sliders. They were pretty good! It was nice to get to catch up, even though it was for a short time. I hate having lost touch with some important people in my life, so it's always good when we get to spend some time together.

My new glasses are doing wonders for me, but I swear my vision without glasses is getting worse. I don't even know if that's possible, but I feel more dependent on them than ever before. Maybe I am noticing a greater disparity between when I wear them and when I don't because these correct astigmastm.

Well, I think I'm going to organize my book some. It's all over the place (figuratively).

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