Friday, July 16, 2010

You're beautiful

Sing that title like James Blunt sings it, please.

Well, it's late, but I haven't even been home for an hour. Tonight's show was fun. Like I mentioned, it was a private event for a consulting firm. Ironically, when I ran out at the beginning of the show, one of the first people I saw was a person I had a lengthy meeting with the other day at work. He is a member of the alumni board. That was actually extremely shocking, and I could tell he was just as surprised. In the show, I played Conducted Orchestra, Buzzer, Repeat-Scene-That Kind of Family, and Emotion Interview (with a physical characteristic thrown in the mix). I had a lot of fun in every single scene, which felt really great!

Today was a very hectic day work-wise. Yes, I worked from home, but it felt almost busier than if I'd been in the office. When I walked out the door for the show, it hit me that I hadn't even eaten a real meal all day. I'm not saying that like I'm proud, but I'm just surprised that today was that crazy. For the first time ever, I even forgot two of my three study drug doses. I'm not proud of that, either. I did end up using my lunch hour to go to the grocery store today, and I successfully bought a cart of groceries for the first time in at least three months. Pathetic, I know.

I can't remember if I mentioned this or not because my mind is so ... gone, but I have my endocrinologist and study appointments tomorrow. Then I'm heading to meet my friend (ED) for a late lunch. I am pretty excited for the day! It's a little busy for a day off of work, but it will be nice. I work at the theatre tomorrow night, too. Saturday means floating down the Chattahoochee with some really fun people. I soooo look forward to this day!

Well, my voice is halfway gone, which is a great foreshadowing for tomorrow's appointments. I am interested to see where my PFTs sit; the hospital is typical for me in August...

I am feeling a lot of positive energy lately. Heck yes!

One last thing - I had a crazy dream this morning. Sorry to all you cat people. I was walking to my front door and there was a cat staring me down. The cat was gray and pretty fluffy. I noticed as I neared the door that his tail was unattached, sitting next to him. When I got close, he jumped up and tried to bite my hand. I was trying to violently shake him off because it hurt so bad. I ended up hurling him off and the funniest thing is that this happened in real life. I literally woke myself up chucking a pillow across the room. I know that probably doesn't sound as funny as it was, but I could totally see that being a YouTube sensation if it had been recorded.

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious!! I thought you were going to say you *actually* hurled a cat across the room. :-) That's fun that you played conducted orchestra! I've never played any of the conducted games. Scary!
