Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tar te tar te tar

That title was me practicing my Irish dialect. I'm actually horrible at it.

I'm meeting some improv friends at 7:00 p.m. to eat Chinese food at a place called Cafe 101. I am such a chunkster at heart. I've already scouted out the menu and I'm pretty sure I've decided what I'll get. I cannot yet reveal my decision. I'm excited to go out with them because I've had a pretty relaxing week and look forward to a little socialization.

Today my sister and I went to the pool for a few hours. It was super-toasty outside - 95 degrees to be specific. There was a family there with obnoxious children. I could have slapped them, honestly.

So, Friday night before the wedding, my date texted me to let me know he had cut his nose shaving in a hurry. I was trying to imagine how this happened, really, but I guess he was shaving his moustache-area and nicked the end of his nose. Well, I figured he had over an hour for it to stop bleeding. He got here and had a paper towel piece stuck on his nose to stop the bleeding. When we got to the wedding, it was still bleeding pretty badly. I mean, within seconds of wiping it, it would bubble up again with blood. We were in the parking lot of the church laughing hysterically, because I was trying to convince him that nobody would notice even though I was lying. We ended up sitting in the back of the church, him constantly dabbing his nose with paper towels. He was afraid people would think he had a drug problem, but I just thought he looked super-emotional, like he was madly in love with the bride or something. Man, it was funny.

Anyway, I've had a good weekend! I'm looking forward to eating _______________.

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