Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Red roadside wildflower

Well, I just got home from the Braves game where I improved my season record to 5-0. Pretty impressive, I must say. I'm hoping to extend to 6-0 Thursday night. Tonight was fun, although it's the only game I've been to in the last week where I didn't see someone get arrested. Last Tuesday at the Yankees game, there was a fist-fight near us that resulted in intervention from the Atlanta Police Department. Then, Sunday at the Red Sox game, a drunken fan ran onto the field and got absolutely pummeled by the security officers. Wild stuff! I really thought I saw a fan run onto the field today, but I may have been hallucinating.

I had a doctor's appointment today and I was there from 1:45 p.m. to 5:35 p.m. It was absolutely absurd. I'm not even sure how it's possible to wait over an hour and a half to see the doctor. I started to get extremely impatient and confrontational. Thankfully, throughout all of the waiting, I had time to go through the cycle of frustration many times, so I wasn't too rude when I actually got face-time with the doctor.

Hmm, what else?! Improv was pretty fun last night; we had a character workshop. I did two characters for the first time and I think they went over fairly well. I could definitely use some improvement and get more into my comfort zone with the characters, but it was pretty successful. I'm actually pretty bummed because I just read that tomorrow's practice is canceled. It's a long week anyways, so I guess I could use the break.

Well, it's time to get my sleep on because I. AM. WORN. OUT. I hope that accurately emphasized how tired I truly am. Good night, fans.

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