Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What I need to doooo....

Hi! I'm doing my vest!

Well, this week has been great so far! On Monday I ran 3+ miles without ever even stepping foot on the rails of the treadmill. Monday evening I met a complete stranger (MJ) who just moved to Atlanta, and that was a lot of fun.

Then, yesterday evening I met MV for coffee at Starbucks. Before we met, I spent probably an hour typing things from handwritten notebooks, so that made me feel pretty accomplished. After we met, I saw The Social Network with ES. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it. I never even started to doze off, which is a gigantic accomplishment for a movie-watching failure like myself.

I'm headed to a doctor's appointment this afternoon. It's for a new study I started when I was in the hospital. Yeah, you'd think I'd be on a study hiatus given my recent experience, but oh well. I can't imagine getting hurt by drinking protein... Knock on wood!

My book is coming along! I am really excited to work on it this afternoon. :-)

I am grateful for good people, cheese, and headache medicine.

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