Thursday, November 4, 2010

Purple streak, purple streak, she's purple streakaaay

Please sing the title of this post to the tune of "Super Freak." Thank you. [After the fact: Who would have known that "Super Freak" was in the dictionary? I had it as one word and SpellCheck zapped it.]

I got my hair did on Tuesday and, as you may have inferred from the title, I got it dyed a darker brown with some burgundy-esque lowlights. It's a pretty drastic difference, but it's pretty cool, if I do say so myself. It made its first public appearance yesterday, and I'd say it went well. It feels pretty fitting. My friend Stewart did it at a salon near my parents' house. I just adore it!

This week has been pretty unusual; I've just had a lot of change on the horizon. I don't really need to get into detail because I don't feel like it, but it's amazing how much can happen in a week. Life sure has a funny way of happening all at once...but I'm still feeling cheery.

Today was a little weird because my face felt as though I'd never even had sinus surgery, so that was lame. I'm hoping it was caused by something totally random because I don't need to be dealing with pain again ALREADY!

I'm just writing because I felt like I was overdue, but now I'm going to dry my hair.

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