Friday, October 22, 2010

Leavin' on a MARTA train

Well, I'm getting ready to venture out into the real world for my post-op appointment. I have made the decision to ride MARTA. IT'SMARTA. I was already considering this anyway since I don't feel like driving/parking/paying a fortune, but my decision was confirmed when I was visited last night by what I deem to be the start of a...


It started much like it did the night before the migraine at the hospital. There were holes throughout my vision and it got to where I literally could not read anything. There were also flashes of light - almost like waves. I decided to go to sleep because it was disconcerting to look around when I couldn't see anything clearly. Even with my eyes closed, though, there was a ton of activity. This morning I woke up with a headache, so I took two Excedrin Migraines. I hope the medicine slapped that thing around.

Last night I went to the improv show! I figured that it was the best way to make my post-surgery/hospitalization public debut. My roommate and I went and had so much fun! It was an awesome show. It was the perfect mix of personalities, games, senses of humor, etc. Thank you to my fellow apprenti for making it more-than-worth the journey out of the house!

I don't have much else to say. I've exercised and written a lot this week, so I feel pretty productive. I'm looking forward to the weekend (even though this entire week has been like a weekend)!

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