Thursday, October 8, 2009

An Uncrustable

Well, what in the world can I say? I'm just so exhausted and can't wait until the weekend. I could use some major rest and relaxation. I've felt tired and bordering on getting sick all week. I go to the doctor in the morning, so hopefully this feeling sick thing is just a bit of a fluke. Thursday is my usual telecommuting day, but because of tomorrow's doctor appointment, I am doing it tomorrow instead. Woooo. I can't believe tomorrow is Friday. It feels like both the shortest and longest week ever, however that's possible.

My first rib has been aching some this week. I'm not sure if maybe it's the colder temperatures or what, but I'm bordering on having to go back to see the physical therapist, which isn't ideal. Maybe I'll stick a patch on it tonight.

I went to the grocery store late last night because we were having a brown bag lunch at work today. I had nothing that could comprise a brown bag lunch, so I stopped at Publix on the way home from improv. I ended up walking around and getting a random assortment of things, including apple slices/grapes, Cheez-Its, Wheat Thins, hummus, cashews, those Uncrustrables PBJ sandwiches and some ice cream. For lunch today, I packed some apple slices/grapes, Cheezi-Its and an Uncrustable (I like the way that sounds when it's singular). My roommate was nice enough to surprise me with a cookie. I felt like a child carrying that lunch box. I also look like a child.

The Cardinals lost game 1 last night. It's okay, though. They are tied in the 7th inning in game 2 right now. The Phillies lost today, so that's awesome. I can't decide if I'd rather see them lose in the first round or a little later so it hurts a little more. Oh my gosh. Right after I said the Cards were tied, they scored. I knew they wanted to impress me.

Anyway, hopefully I get a good report at the doctor tomorrow. And hopefully I have a restful weekend!

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