Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stop the clock

The last few days are such a blur to me.

Sunday was a pretty lazy and relaxing day, but I can't say the same for Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.

Monday I struggled through the day for some reason, feeling an overall exhaustion. I went straight from work to my final improv practice, which was fun. We did a faux show to prepare for last night's performance. There was not a single thing I did in the faux show that I did in the real show last night, but hey. You live and you learn! I guess I was just getting those out of my system.

Tuesday was just a loooooooong day. I got up and went to work like usual, and had to be at the theatre at 6:00 p.m. When I got to the theatre, we went through the line-up. That's when I found out that I'd be in two games I'd never played before and in two singing games. Surprisingly, I was too tired to realize what was happening to want to gouge my eyeballs out. In fact, I was somewhat anxiously excited to see what would happen. I thought the show went pretty well. I keep having flashbacks to random things I said or did and I'm afraid to watch the DVD next week. Oh well! It was a lot of fun and feels so much more natural than it did 7 months ago.

Today I finally feel the worst I have in several weeks. I know I haven't felt up-to-par in a few weeks, but today I can officially say I feel a little lousy. I am coughing, my throat is starting to hurt, etc. Then again, that seems to be the norm these days; a lot of people seem to be a little ill. Speaking of sick, I think I am getting the H1N1 vaccine tomorrow. I am in the high-risk group and can get it for free at work. I'm a little skeptical for no good reason, so we'll see what I decide.

I came home from work and napped for almost 5 hours. Now I'm getting ready to go back to sleep. Tomorrow I am giving a speech at a CF Foundation event. I haven't made an outline yet, but an outline seems trivial after I had to rap in front of an audience last night. An outline seems like a good project for...tomorrow.

Time to go back to bed. Like a log.

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