Friday, October 23, 2009

Girls just wanna have fun

Too funny. Right as I started writing this, I saw my first commercial for Vampire Diaries. It looks...interesting. Boy, there is a lot of trash on TV. Maybe it's a good thing that I never got around to fulfilling my New Year's resolution of watching more TV. Maybe in 2010. Gosh, saying 2010 is weird.

I think I'm meeting my sister and her friend at Taco Mac momentarily. I love Taco Mac so much that it's ridiculous. Looking at the menu is so exciting there because almost everything looks good. I have no idea what I'm in the mood for, but I'm sure it will be easy to make up my mind when I get there.

Well, I spoke at the CF Foundation event last night and it seemed to go pretty well. It was the corporate recruitment kick-off event for the 2010 (weird!) CF walk. It was a cocktail party and was hosted at this absolutely ridiculous country club, where the houses started at $800K. That is absolutely absurd. The clubhouse was sooooo gigantic and extravagant. Anyway, I think my speech went well. I pretty much winged it, but it's not hard to wing talking about personal experience. Especially after the fool I made of myself on Tuesday...nothing would top that.

I got this Ben and Jerry's ice cream a while ago and finished it this afternoon. It was incredible. It was Coffee Heath Bar Crunch or something fabulous like that. It was magical! I'm usually a sherbet/sorbet girl, but this hit the spot.

There's a lot of talk about Halloween lately. I am anti-holidays for the most part. The hype drives me crazy, especially for Halloween. There's so much pressure to come up with a good costume and, frankly, I don't even care. Then, if you don't dress up, people think you think you're too cool to dress up. So, it's basically a lose-lose. I guess Halloween is in a week; I don't have a plan yet, so maybe I won't even have to deal with the costume-figuring-out-escapade this year.

Oh man, I just saw a commercial for Sour Patch Kids. I love me some SP children.

Anyway, time to head up to the Mac.

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