Sunday, October 11, 2009

Laaaaaaaaazy day

Today has been an incredibly lazy day for me. I felt like I was starting to get sick last week and my sinuses were killing me yesterday. I got some "Severe Sinus Pain" type medicine and it has made me feel a lot better. Anyway, I am sharing all of this info to say that I napped for almost five hours today. I didn't even know that was feasible, really, but apparently it is. I think it's indicative of the fact that I've been fighting something....and simply feeling exhausted.

The doctor went well on Friday, so that's good. I didn't have to wait an hour like usual; this time it was only about 30 minutes. I had a good report and got in and out of there in record time, so I'm happy about that.

Yesterday I went to Kennesaw Mountain for the first time in my life. It's kind of surprising that I've lived in this area almost all of my life and haven't yet ventured to Kennesaw Mountain. Then again, I guess it's not exactly a hotspot. Anyway, I didn't go up the mountain very far - just went on some trails. It was nice and the weather was nice, too. It felt good to get out and do a little something because it just hasn't fit into my schedule lately. My roommate and I are going to the gym as soon as she gets home.

Tomorrow is my second-to-last day of my improv class. The end is going to be bittersweet. I have really enjoyed it, but it will also be nice to come home after work on a Monday for the first time in six months. It will be a little sad, too.

I am watching the Twins vs. Yankees right now. My Cardinals (ha!) got swept and my Angels (ha!) swept the Red Sox. Looks like I'm rooting for the Angels, although I am also willing to root for the Rockies. Decisions, decisions.

I hope I can sleep tonight after sleeping the day away.


  1. why in the world are you a cardinals or an angels fan?

  2. Read back and you'll see that those were my playoff teams. Clearly I failed regardless.
