Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A success story

Hmm, well, going to sleep is long overdue, but I figured I ought to write in here since it crossed my mind. I got home from the CF event I spoke at not too long ago. The event was in a very nice home in the Lenox Mall area. It took me forever to get there because I forgot about the roads that are still washed out due to the flood. The good news, however, is that I got there.

I winged it, for the most part, but I think it went well. It was a small and intimate gathering, so it wasn't as intimidating as it could have been. I met some very nice people all there to support my cause, so that's always uplifting!

I also found out some news I deem super-exciting. I was speaking with a CF doctor about clinical trials and one just got approved this week. Less than 10 percent of the CF population could benefit from this drug, and I happen to be in that small group. I have been following this drug for almost three years now, so I am way excited that my treatment center will have access to it. It could seriously make a huge difference in my life. Guess who's looking into that tomorrow!

Well, I ended up working from home today. I've had a headache since Monday and just wasn't feeling up to driving to work today. I also had a very difficult time sleeping last night, so that wasn't helping matters. The headache hasn't bothered me all evening, so let's hope this is indicative of what tomorrow will bring!

Tomorrow I am doing camera/suggestions at the theatre. It's funny that not being there in two days seems so weird to me. I think that means I'm officially in deep. I also don't have to be there for any reason this weekend, so that will feel unusual, too.

Anyway, I can hardly keep my eyes open, so I think I'll call it a night. I don't know the last time I was up this late on a weeknight. I know I didn't say a whole lot worth hearing, but whatever. I'm excited about that drug. YEAH BABY!

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