Friday, January 1, 2010


Welcome to 2010! I just ate a nutritious dinner to kick off the new year. I had a double steakburger, double onion rings, and a mocha shake... Steak and Shake, baby! Clearly I didn't make any resolutions about eating healthily. I'm still trying to work out what my resolutions are going to be. Maybe I should make a resolution to make New Year's resolutions for 2011. Two of my definite goals are to do my vest at least three hours a week and make an effort to work only 40 hours a week for my own sanity.

Well, let me just say that New Year's Eve was so much fun! I ended up going to a hotel party with a group of six girls. It was sooooo hilarious. The crowd was twice our age and it was such an adventurous night. We went out to eat at Bahama Breeze and then went to the party in the hotel bar/lounge area. It was definitely one of the best NYEs I've ever had! I woke up in the middle of the night and had 39 text messages, so that was funny. We met a guy we named T-Boz, I got a ROSE!, people went swimming in dresses, we received a complaint from the hotel staff about being too loud... all in all it was a success!

My book is coming along really well! I know my goal was to complete it by the end of the year, and it's truly almost there. I think it's practically complete writing-wise; now it's just in the editing/reorganizing/filling in blanks phase. I'm really looking forward to it being a total hit!

My friend Anne and I are sitting here watching Office Space - this movie is so inspirational and accurate. I appreciate it more and more each time I see it. We have had a pretty lazy day, other than the fact that I went to my grandparents' 65th wedding anniversary party.

So, yesterday an incident went down at my house. My roommate was vacuuming and a circuit tripped (or whatever it's called). Anyway, I think the breaker has gone bad because we can't make it come back on now... at all. There are no lights downstairs and none of the outlets in the living room work. We have a huge orange extension cord connecting the TV to an outlet in the kitchen and a lamp from upstairs sitting on the kitchen floor. It looks pretty...trashy.

Well, we're gonna crash early tonight since last night didn't entail much sleeping. I can't wait!

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