Sunday, January 17, 2010


Well, I believe it's safe to deem today a completely lazy day. I seriously have almost nothing to show for it, but it's good to have days like that sometimes.

I slept in until almost 11:00 a.m., and that was about the extent of what I accomplished today.

I went on an adventure to try to find some new jeans. What used to be my nicer jeans have slowly evolved into worn-out jeans, so I was hoping to find a new pair. The keyword there is 'hoping' because I had absolutely no luck. I have such a hard time finding pants that it's borderline unreal. I even decided to try on skinny jeans in hopes that maybe those would fit right, but that was unsuccessful, too. It was pretty frustrating... I also went looking for jeans at the mall around New Year's and had absolutely no luck, so I'm beginning to think this is Mission: Impossible.

I'm excited to have off work tomorrow. It's once again perpetuating the fact that I haven't gotten fully back in the groove since the holidays, but oh well. I'd rather have the day off than be in a groove. I do have improv tomorrow, though, which I prefer anyway since I'm in the show on Thursday. I know that looking forward to Thursday's show will probably make the week fly by!

This whole weekend-devoted-to-my-book thing hasn't worked out as I was hoping. Instead of making much progress, I've found myself second-guessing everything I could possibly be questioning. I have definitely made progress as far as getting it organized, but I've taken steps backwards as far as how I feel about it mentally. As my friend said, though, I am my worst critic.

Tonight I was thinking about cotton candy and it made me happy. It also made me angry because I don't have any and haven't had it in forever, but cotton candy is awesome. The thought of pure sugar excites me right now, but I should probably focus on going to sleep instead.


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