Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Little Miss

Here I am... I'm once again surprised at how much time has elapsed since I last wrote. It makes me a little concerned that I'm not stopping to smell the roses, but perhaps instead I should embrace that I'm packing my days to the brim.

The ENT went pretty well. He said that my sinuses looked pretty good, and he attributed it to the antibiotic that I've been taking. He also recommended allergy testing to help treat my absurd allergies, but we're not doing that until summer because he said the testing (and the lack of allergy meds leading up to the testing) could make for a real miserable time. So, more on that in June...

I didn't do anything for St. Patrick's Day other than send a ton of mass emails and wear a very gray shade of green. I needed a relaxing night in, and that's exactly what happened.

Friday afternoon I went to lunch with an old friend (BS), so that was a lot of fun. We got to catch up and ate some swell food! Friday night I had a crew shift and got Yogli Mogli with KW beforehand. That was awesome! I'd been craving it for some time...

On Saturday I performed some improv. I played Buzzer Talk Show, Sit Stand Lean, Narration Switch, and Musical Styles. It was a relatively small crowd for a Saturday, but it was still fun!

Sunday was a kind of lazy day. I did make some progress on my fundraising video for the year. Then I went to El Azteca AND Yogli Mogli (again) with ES. I fell asleep surprisingly early for having been up until 3:00 a.m. the previous night (or morning... WHATEVER!).

I totally feel like I'm just going in order of days, but deal with it. You know my brain likes some organization. Yesterday and today were pretty largely uneventful, with the exception of getting Yogli Mogli today. Is anyone noticing a trend? I also worked out both days, so that's been a big improvement. I'd been feeling way too drained to exercise for the last several weeks. I'm thinking I should have forced myself because it's helping increase my energy level, but oh well. Another day, another dollar. That phrase was pretty irrelevant here.

That's about it. Drew's Crew is about to get silly up in this fundraising arena. To give the first update of the year, the team currently stands at a total of $5,604. That's pretty awesome considering we have barely started. We are going to raise more than $30,000 this year, and I mean it...


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