Friday, March 4, 2011

Ben[adryl] there, done that


I just wrote that fake Wednesday post. I'm not very good at keeping secrets, huh?

Well, today was a pretty interesting day. We were supposed to have a team retreat at work. Then it got canceled this morning. Then, when it was physically impossible for me to be in the office in time for the retreat, the team decided it wasn't canceled anymore. So, that being said, the day got started off the wrong foot and has just kind of coasted since.

I performed improv last night for another sold-out crowd. CRAZY! I played Script in Hand, Oscar Musical, Narration Switch + Sounds Like a Song, and Meet the Experts. I busted out my newly developed character named Willy Nilly. She was fun! I wished I'd had a little more energy, but it had been a long day...

We had our bowling tournament at work yesterday. I got the highest score on my team, which was a 101. That is very good for me! We didn't win the actual tournament, but we won Best Team Name/Theme, which was quite the honor. It was my responsibility to come up with both, so we were "The Bowled and the Beautiful" and dressed as celebrities. We had black shirts and wore flashy scarves and sunglasses. Our clapper board was what sent it over the top, though. We were pretty obnoxious with that board. Here's a shout out to KW for letting me borrow the board (AKA the key to success).

I guess that's about all. I've been feeling sick, so I took a Benadryl and am about to pass out. Tomorrow is going to be busy!

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