Saturday, August 28, 2010

You are the only exception

Well, I went to the Braves game tonight (ES!). As much as it pains me to say it, they got absolutely destroyed. Tommy Hanson gave up solo HRs to the first two batters, so it just didn't start off the way I would have liked. After a saddening loss (score: 7-1), I saw my first Friday night fireworks of the season. That was definitely the highlight of the night! The last two were rained out, but I finally succeeded.

So, when I went to type "Friday," I accidentally typed "Fridney," which reminds me that I've been having a lot of conversations about my kidneys lately. I ended up getting ultrasounded yesterday. While I haven't officially spoken to the doctor, I've gotten word that my kidneys have changed from the initial pre-study ultrasound. All I really heard was something about how one used to be 9cm and is now over 10cm. Hmm, I guess that could explain some of the pain. The lack of urgency makes me think that nobody's overly concerned, but I hope to talk to a doctor on Monday.

Today was my last Summer Friday, and I'm not exactly pleased with how I spent it. That sounds kind of depressing, but I really have nothing to show for it aside from the Braves game. It was the epitome of a lazy day. I guess that's how it should have been, but I didn't even end up at the pool, the gym, or anything like that. Oh well! Maybe tomorrow.

I've been feeling kind of overwhelmed lately, but I think my interpretation of reality is skewed since I haven't been in tip-top physical shape. Sometimes I wonder how much our minds and bodies truly affect each other. I'm totally starting to philosophize, but I've felt uncharacteristically unhealthy this summer, and it seems like my happiness has been wavering, too. Which came first? The chicken or the egg? It crosses my mind all the time.

Now let me use some sleep to heal my mind and body! :) I'm requesting that positive energy be sent my way!

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