Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Purple Drank

Hiiiiii. I have allergies to the extreme. I seriously feel like death and am in major pain. Not only is my throat raw, but every cough hurts my sternoclavicular joint. I mean, I am something else. I was trying to get my hands on some heavy-duty cough medicine, but couldn't. So I have concocted a rum and Benedryl night cap. I know I sound like I have substance abuse problems, but I haven't felt this rough in a long time. And I don't have substance abuse problems.

In other news, I am getting my hair did on Saturday. I have tried to get away from the whole hair-highlighting gig because it costs money and can be hard to maintain, but let's face it - I will look good. I haven't felt very physically attractive lately, so I am looking for a boost. I need a CHANGE.

I have a birthday coming up. I have no idea what I'll do to celebrate, but there's a good chance I won't do anything. I am not a big fan of holidays in general, as they tend to be disappointing. I'm not one of those people who forces someone else to create an Evite to act as though I am popular enough to have someone voluntarily planning a get-together on my behalf.

Anyways, it's time to refill the rum so I can get this show on the road. OOOOOOOOOOVER IT.

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