Sunday, February 13, 2011

River of chocolate

This is going to be very brief.

I had a dream last night that my mom and I were swimming in a river of chocolate. Up ahead, my friend KQ was with a guy named Drew that I'd never seen before. My mom and I were trying to swim over to them.

Then, I noticed that a gigantic donut (the size of a ferris wheel) was falling out of the sky. It, too, was chocolate, but was covered in white powder. KQ told me to let the donut fall on me and it would cover me in powder. Then, as the donut landed on me, I woke up and was in the midst of an asthma attack (in real life).

I realized that, every couple of months, I wake up having an asthma attack that fits into my dream. I remember one when I was choking on Tootsie rolls, and another when I was choking on gummy bears. I realize that I sound like an absolute headcase right now, especially since the examples I remember are about candy. Anyway, I've always wondered if the dream's panic-laced storyline causes the attack, or if the attack incorporates itself into my dream before actually waking me.

It's hard to imagine that anyone else would have a similar story, but oh well. I felt like sharing! Judge your little heart out.

Oh, and the craziest part was that, as I was calming down from the attack, I heard my phone go off. I had literally just received an email warning me about the allergy forecast for today. It's merely coincidence, but it reminded me that allergy season is on the way. WONDERFUL!

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