Friday, November 23, 2012

Turkey Shmurkey

Happy day-after-Thanksgiving!

I had a nice Thanksgiving. I watched some of the parade, ran 3.5 miles and ate the best mashed potatoes known to man. I watched some football and took some naps, but most of all just enjoyed the simplicity of the day. I love this time of year. Aside from the people who are probably strangling each other for televisions right now, I really do think the holidays bring out the best in people.

This year RA and I adopted two families for Christmas. If I do any shopping today, it will likely be for them. We need to get a sewing machine, bikes, an MP3 player, etc. When I was little, we always picked angels off of a tree at church and went shopping for gifts for people who might not otherwise get them. I look forward to continuing a similar tradition as an adult. I've been fortunate to always have gifts under the tree on Christmas morning.

I've had two doctor visits over the past few weeks, and they both went surprisingly well. At the CF doctor, my PFTs were down a bit from baseline, but up a bit from the previous visit. Perhaps the doctor was feeling generous because I don't have to go back for three months. Hooray! I also went to the ENT so he could have a look at my sinuses, and I was relieved to hear that they "don't look too bad." I haven't been to the ENT in more than a year, so I figured the possibilities were limitless. Hooray for healthcare and decent reports at the doctor!

The Falcons are 9-1. They lost their first game to the Saints about two weeks ago. UGH, THE SAINTS. They played an ugly game of football last weekend to beat the Cardinals. On Sunday, they play the Buccaneers, and I hope to see none of last weekend's shenanigans repeated.

In fantasy football news, my team is 8-3. I'm going to have a tough week considering 7/13 of my players were injured as of yesterday. I'm hoping that the holiday spirit heals their sprains/strains/pulled muscles so that I can get another win this week. I think I'm pretty set to make the playoffs regardless, but I'd like to finish the regular season strong. GET IT TOGETHER, BOYS!

Well, I guess it's time to make the most of my day off. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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